Tag Archives: Truth

Creating your way to genesis.

Hi, this article was inspired by the three principles method of Sidney Banks.

It just happened with no need of correction which is a rare occurrence in my writing experience.

I hope you enjoy it and will inspire you further.


Hi, welcome to the realm of no-thought.
You have finally found that quiet spot in the vastness of time.
You have slowed down your breathing to your heartbeat.
Exhaling emotions attached to a floating or frantic parade of noisy images.
Emptying mind-clutter, peeling off remnants of ancient wallpaper sticking faithfully to walls of generations and habits.
Finally letting go and giving into new design.
To the idea of nothing. Of everything.
Opening up to the awareness of what IS.
Listening to the sounds of silence.
Peeping through the keyhole of eternity.
Remembering that time stands still, every time you allow it.
Slicing through the race of man-made impatience and frustrations.
Allowing yourself to let life BE YOU. BE NOW. FEEL NOW.
Notice what sustains you.
Experience your body’s imprint on your mattress, chair or floor.
Sense all that surrounds you, all that contributes to your comfort and wellbeing. Perceiving the oneness with all elements. Celebrate its quiet yet sustainable presence.
Allow yourself that time of blissful emptiness.
Breathe it.
Mark it.
Into your mind and consciousness.
Etch it into your soul. Design it unto every square inch of your body. Sketch it into a habit.
Offering yourself the possibility of heaven RIGHT NOW.
Creating the notes of YOUR life.
Chanting the mantra of YOUR reality and allowing others to follow theirs.
Breathe it, welcome it and enter the strange yet familiar domain of unoccupied mind.

Carving your way back to Genesis.




Hi everyone!
I couldn’t believe five whole years have gone by since I started this blog.
Forgive my absence.
Lately I have been having computer issues and couldn’t keep you updated with my work, the exhibition, my photography…
But I promise to start posting again as soon as it’s all fixed.
Only then will I feel entitled to fully celebrate this milestone 🙂
Best of luck to all my faithful followers and visitors and best wishes for a safe and warm winter!

My new painting! Les pavés de la vie – Life’s cobblestones.

Les pavés de la vie ©copyright2015owpp

Les pavés de la vie

This painting is very close to my heart, it belongs to the Theme I’m working on, of life & it’s journey. I’m sure you remember Evolution trek (I have posted previously) Odyssey is another.
Les pavés de la vie represents life’s course. Notice the nuance in texture, colour, cracks & shapes of the cobblestones & interpret it in your own personal experience of life and growth along the way…
I used about three liters of paint for the under layer & around two kilos of plaster for the cobblestones which makes it quite a heavy canvas!
Before hanging it, in order to prevent it from falling & breaking, I had to make sure the hooks were well placed by drilling proper holes in the wall.
I am posting here all the painting’s stages.
Let me know.
I truly enjoyed your comments from last post 🙂
Thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement & likes!

Details of the cobblestones ©copyright2015owpp

Details of the cobblestones

Where it all started... ©copyright2015owpp

Where it all started…

2nd layer... ©copyright2015owpp

2nd layer…

About 2 to 3 liters of paint to start with. ©copyright2015owpp

About 2 to 3 liters of paint to start with.

1st layer of plaster ©copyright2015owpp

1st layer of plaster

Baby Water Massage – Acquaterapia

An amazing way to welcome our new generation found on http://davidkanigan.com/2014/11/09/sunday-morning-life/
you can fall asleep… it is so deeply relaxing to watch, we can understand the bliss on this baby’s face 🙂

“Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.”

Published on Mar 2, 2013
“Moon” by Kokin Gumi (Google Play • iTunes)
Howto & Style
Standard YouTube License

Families… April 2010




Families are intricate unities that assemble fragments of love, which they could easily discard if ego steps in.
Usually in a situation fabricated by their own imagination.
Families weave their own history, gluing it together with the substance called love hoping it will withstand the hazards of time.
Some families withhold the pressures of life by staying even closer. Practicing compassion, tolerance and love as a shining example for the world to witness.
Interacting with noble qualities as, finesse, integrity, virtue, righteousness, purity and above all a desire for true cohabitation.
They let their ego aside, seek and invite truth in, practicing patience and understanding in situations, others would have long buckled under.

Bursting as an olive seed, under the weight of a millstone. Grinding to its last drop.
How many of these “torches” illuminate our planet?
I wonder. Are they one percent? If they are, they should be standing high and proud. As the lighter of an Olympic flame.
Given a medal.
Instead, they are kept in the quiet. They tiptoe in the labyrinths of life and succeed to find a way out of this maze and convert it to beautiful alleys.
Some of them, growing an orchard on their way, with the promises of sweetness as a perquisite for having played a role in the grandeur of a king’s quarters.
Their children’s devotion, are their pride and badges. They take no heed in titles or honors.
They cherish the warmth of past memories and amuse themselves at keeping them alive by recalling them to their grandchildren, on long winter nights, a twinkle in their eyes, a spark in their heart and a smile on their lips.
Then, go on, feeding, on their children’s silent recognition, translated by small tokens. A gesture, a look, a hug and most of all, loving respect.
Are we aware of the importance of our each and every move?
As situations reveal themselves before our eyes, we are given a mind and heart to consult. The gift of introspection.
Do we use them wisely?
We have the freedom and dignity of choice. We could make an everlasting impression for generations to come. Leave our “trade mark“.
Is that not worth its weight in gold? Should it not give us a rush to strive toward that goal?
We could give up our self-made miseries and feed the younger generation with tender care.

Behave with consistency and rationality in order to provide them with the much needed security and balance in their lives so, as to prepare them on THEIR journey and pack their suitcases for the long road, with, stability, strength and joy. All vital tools in their jobs to shape a few generations to come.

And so it goes…

Building a non-ending chain of character, beauty and light.
In the hope, it will brighten the world and eradicate any dark shades left by the person…

Who thought he had no choice.

The writer 1989- Adjusted January 2013

writer's block

writer’s block

The writer

Indelible hole
Irreplaceable void
Lassitude and

To share
He monologues

The same
This trough

The void
He shouts
And screams

For a truce

To his page
The ink

Words devoured
By the secrecy

Of his folio
Yet faithful
As a blotter

His pain
Inhabiting his

To notice

Perfume of
A flower tree.

The miracle
Of crepuscule

Of a first
Layer of snow
Of aurora

Smile of
A passer-by
And grand

Big and small
Opposite yet
The Sui generis

Of our planet
For one hour
Or more

To find relief
In his new
His thoughts

Bouncing off
The walls
Hurling this

This tribute
To life.
Back with

Stunning him
For a fraction
Then taking
His page

The treatise
In a last attempt
To capture

The truth
Of his life
The one he can
Put on his

Faithful page.

The image of truth 2005 English poem ( with French original text )

the image of truth ©copyright2013owpp

the image of truth

This poem was written in a time I was extremely tired of the mind and body and thought it had shown on my face but when, I looked in a mirror I had accidentally come across, I saw this very fresh face looking at me!

Let me know what you think 🙂

The image of truth

A fatigued mind
Reflects in the mirror
A mind of peace
And serenity

The exterior can be
So misleading!

So, the whole world
Walks around with, a
Bleeding heart
Without letting it

Am I not the
Only one?

Poor consolation!

Time passes and I pray
That one day
My peaceful mind
Reflects in the mirror

The image of truth


L’image de la vérité

L’esprit en fatigue

Reflète dans le miroir
Une image de paix
Et sérénité

L’écorce peut être
Si trompeur !

Alors, le monde entier
Se promène avec, le
Cœur qui saigne
Sans rien laisser
Paraître ?

Ne suis-je pas
La seule ?

Piètre consolation !

Le temps passe et je prie
Pour qu’un jour
L’esprit en paix
Reflète dans le miroir

L’image de la vérité

Where are we running to? ” Along the passing days ” 1989 ( French Poetry “Au fil des jours” with English translation )

where are we running to? ©copyright2013owpp

where are we running to?

Hi everyone!

Sometimes life makes me wonder. We are always running to catch something, somewhere. Should it be, a bus, a door, an appointment, the school’s gates, a plane… The list is endless.
Where does it lead us? Are we actually going round in circles, if looked from a different perspective?
Here’s a small poem I hope you’ll like.

Along the passing days

We run but we smile
We follow the road to infinity
We are out of breath,but there we go again!
Ah! What a lousy day!
In two hours I’ll be finished
Rest is not a disease
Ah yes! Tomorrow I shall roll up my sleeves…


Au fil des jours

On court mais on sourit
On suit la route vers l’infini
On s’essouffle, mais nous voilà repartis!
Ah! Quel jour maudit!
Dans deux heures j’aurai fini!
Le repos n’est pas une maladie
Et oui! Demain je retrousse mes manches…

And there we go again… I hope you enjoyed it