Tag Archives: muse

A technical glitch becomes my muse.

This project isn’t new.
In fact I have long been busy with it and still have a long way to go…
There are still a million details to refine.

The whole idea was a sheer stroke of luck.
Our printer was nearly out of ink and the result was this amazingly hazy, blurry work of art…
On paper.

A technical glitch became my muse.
Our printer, despite itself turned what could’ve been a more or less ordinary idea into a punch of genius.
In an instant it had taken a whole new dimension.

Today, looking so very closely, I continue detecting, along the work (which often needs a magnifying glass) so much movement in what appeared at first to be a soft, romantic, vague looking image.

This “failed” print I notice, is a host to so many nuances, shadows, blurry, ghostly, ephemeral expressions…

And it lies in every stroke of this ongoing project.
It is very precise, nothing is left to chance.

Yet, it would have gone unnoticed to my eye, if I wasn’t so busy with its minutiae.

For #orders please #contact life_paintings@hotmail.com

Please visit and like my Facebook page at: Life Paintings
My timeline at SummerGreenwoods Instagram account at life_paintings

Nesting in Eden… A privileged family collaboration.

Quality time ©copyright2015owpp

Quality time

This painting “Nesting in Eden” is the results of a privileged, exciting, magical family moment! The collaboration of my daughter’s creativity, my groundwork… & very slight guidance/modifications.

For orders please contact life_paintings@hotmail.com

At work! ©copyright2015owpp

At work!

Up close... ©copyright2015owpp

Up close…

“In a nutshell life is fun” project revealed!

"In a nutshell life is fun" finally revealed! ©copyright2015owpp

“In a nutshell life is fun” finally revealed!

The 12th of February I wrote in this post that I was busy with a new project & posted a photo with it see…
https://oawritingspoemspaintings.wordpress.com/?s=busy+with+new+project well, it actually started in February 2014!
Sometimes an idea begins with a spark & mine was cracking nuts… observing how nature is perfect, feeling there was something to the line, folds, cracks & even fresh mold from the ones rotting… yes, I thought, life’s journey is all that, the good & the not so…

That was long before “Life’s cobblestones” was born, actually that one came as an accident 🙂 see… https://oawritingspoemspaintings.wordpress.com/?s=life%27s+cobblestones
I was preparing the canvas with a thick white coat of paint for this project but it wasn’t subtle enough & on the advice of my mentor, let it rest… to make a long story short, one thing led to another & to my surprise “Life’s cobblestones” matured into completion as a result of the “In a nutshell” project!
“Evolution trek” https://oawritingspoemspaintings.wordpress.com/?s=evolution+trek & “Odyssey” https://oawritingspoemspaintings.wordpress.com/?s=odyssey are all part of a collection of projects on the same theme, the one of life’s journey.
Note in the close ups (for you to be able to see the details) the half nutshells, the colours, the ones shining but authentic in their original “dressing”, the whole hazelnuts small & shining (see in full photo) the beauty of the moldy ones, the specks of nutshell residue, the white one at the far right corner… they all are respectful to the idea of life’s journey.
You are the observer free to use your own interpretation!

I’ll be posting here, the whole set of photos following the long process, step by step till its completion, I hope you’ll enjoy it!
Click on photo to enlarge please. All orders are more than welcome! Just let me know in a comment if you are interested in further details.

1st steps into the project... ©copyright2015owpp

1st steps into the project…

On the left, another project coming eventually. ©copyright2015owpp

On the left, another project coming eventually.

Isn't she a beauty?Moldy stand out as art in this project! ©copyright2015owpp

Isn’t she a beauty?Moldy stand out as art in this project!

1st try at making order on brand new covered canvas! ©copyright2015owpp

1st try at making order on brand new covered canvas!

This could be called a "sketch" the germination of an idea  ©copyright2015owpp

This could be called a “sketch” the germination of an idea

Phase2. Preparation of canvas with subtle strokes of the flow of life ©copyright2015owpp

Phase2. Preparation of canvas with subtle strokes of the flow of life

Sticking carefully each piece & speck in its rightful place! ©copyright2015owpp

Sticking carefully each piece & speck in its rightful place!

Getting exciting after more than a year of planning! ©copyright2015owpp

Getting exciting after more than a year of planning! ©copyright2015owpp

Close ups to bring out every detail. ©copyright2015owpp

Close ups to bring out every detail.

And another...  ©copyright2015owpp

And another…

The specks & halves... ©copyright2015owpp

The specks & halves…

Splashes of satin paint & a range of different shades of blue ©copyright2015owpp

Splashes of satin paint & a range of different shades of blue

And the last photo in full! ©copyright2015owpp

And the last photo in full!

Fantasy from the underlayer-Drawing the unknown…

Fantasy  ©copyright2013owpp


Here, I let my hand wander through the times my
Would run wild, where my crayons would lead the way to
Never planned, take control of colors… the vanguard
Of an army
Of ideas lying in the underlayer, waiting to spring out
Uninhibited, uninhabited by minds already born…

As a much younger person I used to let my hand roam freely on the page creating beautiful shapes which with time got lost… Here I tried to recapture that talent but it will need some practice.
The good part is that my oil pastel experience is getting on 🙂

Weald 2009

Weald 2009 ©copyright2013owpp

Weald 2009

Weald is a painting I did with one of my children. We focused mainly on texture.
We worked with a iron spatula and randomly moved with it, improvising and innovating shapes.

We were trying so hard to create a piece of art and at a point, thought it was going to flop.
That is when we let go of it ( we had nothing to loose anymore 🙂 ) and when it started to take

We came out of the experience, elated and hopeful!

The eye of the jungle 2011

The eye of the jungle 2011 ©copyright2013owpp

The eye of the jungle 2011

Sorry about the quality of this photo, it’s a bit hazy but it’s sometimes difficult to get it right.
As usual, I let my brush guide me and unravel the story that was intended. It’s a way of relaxing as
as well as another.
I am always amazed of the possibilities, if I only remember, every time I pick up the brush,
to let go before I start and not want to control the space and time I’m in.
If I do so, something wonderful always happens as a result.
I hope you like it 🙂

Beautiful blogger award nomination

beautiful blogger award

I’m deeply honored to have been nominated for the beautiful blogger’s award by Nettrobbens,  I always enjoy reading her post you should check it out!
I’m quite overwhelmed and have no idea how I’m meant to write but I’ll try my best with the points I was given as guide lines, three things I’ve learned about writing,Three, about reading and one about life. That shouldn’t be too hard 🙂

1. So, first is about a muse.
To find my creative muse, is finding more than a best friend, it’s discovering my inner-self, my better-self, and my soul. I feel complete.

2. Second is about grammatical rules, can they be bended?
If my character is one who doesn’t speak the language properly then, it would have a purpose and in that case, yes.

3. Third is once you’ve written a piece of work, you’ll never read a book the same way again.
Today, I read a book with the appreciation of someone who has toiled over a word, a sentence… I am thankful for reading a book that is on a level, a book I can learn something from, that  transports me to a place that is totally new to my universe. I avow, I am currently more critical  than prior to my writing.

Now, three things I’ve learned about reading.

1. Biographies are a wonderful means of measurement…

I love good biographies! I read one a few years back, about the Russian great soprano Galina Vichnevskaia, her life story was fascinating, reading her book gave me tremendous amount of historical knowledge, I finished the book feeling my mind had stretched out, that I had gotten a lot out of it, which is what I look for.

I usually like my characters to be human so, I’ve never exaggerated them but I don’t have that much experience in writing, I might think differently about the subject in a few years time 🙂

2. Second, readers like to read about someone who life spirals down and comes back up.

I prefer a romantic book that’ll have a build up with a slight bit of drama but I like the poetic, reflective, philosophical style, might sound boring to some, yet, to me it means I can unwind and allow myself to ” soak ” into fantasy.

3. Third, for a writer, other people’s books become textbooks.

True enough, it does! It’s the best practice ground. You learn and grow through them, it’s the gestation of your own creation.

And last but not least 🙂 one thing I’ve learned about life.

It is hard to pick up that one thing, there are so many I have learned along the adventure…

Well, the one that seems at this time the most important is, what I’ve attained through the method  of Byron Katie. To live in the ” Now ” . It is usually  the best we can do. It prevents unnecessary worries, it simplifies life and splits it to the mere nanosecond.

I am surprised to have truly enjoyed answering those points and thank you for nominating me, it’s a true ” pat on the back ” thanks!

What is poetry to you?

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

Poetry to me is the elegance of a moment transmitted from the mind, to the marvel of entwined
words choreographed by the master, called inspiration.

Poetry is a way to let out all the bottled up emotional energy. It’s grabbing that second, hour,
week or month and signing it up for immortality.

Poetry is throwing out there, a heritage of love for the generations to come. It is pausing in
anticipation of auspicious times.

Poetry is letting the words find their place. It is giving them the opportunity to discover
each other in a sentence, blend or stand out in its sublimity.

Without poetry, we would not know where to put it all. It is a gift ( like many others ) to
treasure and keep alive. It is to be shared, for without giving it over, it dies. It lies in a
dark draw, in wait of the admiring glance. For cognizance in a family gathering or a wider

Its viability depends on it. We don’t do it any favor to keep it possessively from the strangers

Poetry is the essence, the core of what makes us free spirits. Deprived of it, we would have
felt as prisoners, hands tied behind our backs.

This is what poetry means to me.

What does poetry do to you?