Tag Archives: habitat

The magic of Burano

A mirage of an hour, a day... ©copyright2014owpp

A mirage of an hour, a day…

It is hard to sustain enthusiasm when speaking of Burano
A flood of memories inundate everyday realities…
Preferring to fly back in time & resuscitate the
Mirage of a second, an hour or a day rather
Than seeing our rainbows after the storm or
Lift our gaze to the stars in our skies…

You gather from these few lines the wonderful time we had in Burano a while back, a village of fishermen & laces, which was enhanced by the encounter of a renowned painted Carlo Memo that inspired me to describe this unique day through poetry.
You can check it here https://oawritingspoemspaintings.wordpress.com/2013/06/24/burano-carlo-memo-memories-of-an-encounter-24-6-2013/
and here https://oawritingspoemspaintings.wordpress.com/2013/01/01/burano-2013-french-poem-with-english-translation/
and another one on Venice & its dream… https://oawritingspoemspaintings.wordpress.com/2013/01/01/venice-2013-french-poem-with-english-translation-inauguration-of-year-2013/

Courtesy of Wikipedia
Burano is an island in the Venetian Lagoon, northern Italy; like Venice itself, it could more correctly be called an archipelago of four islands linked by bridges. It is situated near Torcello at the northern end of the Lagoon, and is known for its lacework and brightly coloured homes.

Burano's charm ©copyright2014owpp

Burano’s charm

Dream of a day ©copyright2014owpp

Dream of a day

Living life to its fullest! ©copyright2014owpp

Living life to its fullest!